SelfNew year is always time for resolutions. And most resolutions are around improving some aspect of life. But given that many a resolution get forgotten by the middle of January, I need to ask; is there a proven approach for sticking to resolutions? for self improvement?
Though I am not an ardent reader of self improvement literature, I am sure most of the self improvement 'gurus' and books provide some sort of an guidance to establish and implement an improvement approach. But, how prespcreptive can then get? How comprehensive can they be?
For one looking for a 'process' or a step by step approach to self improvement I can think of Covey's Seven Habits. From establishing overall goals, thinking of one as performing multiple roles and planning actions Covey probably provides a thought through step by step approach to self improvement.
Manyother 'step by step' approaches, I have come across, typically focus on time management or personal efficiency improvement .They talk more about time allocation planning,files management etc etc
In my profession, there is this concept of 'personal software process" [Humphrey].This talks about how a software programmer can plan-do-check and act as an approach to improve his/her productivity.
Is there an equivalent 'self improvement process"?
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